De Mesa - Dela Cruz Wedding
De Mesa - Dela Cruz Wedding from louiejohnsantos on Vimeo.
Abreu-Silvestre Wedding
Abreu-Silvestre Wedding from louiejohnsantos on Vimeo.
Idian - Tad-y Wedding
Idian - Tad-y Wedding from louiejohnsantos on Vimeo.
Sharing Cocolife Kick Off Party 2020 from Louie John Santos on Vimeo
Sharing Erika De Guzman Debut Same Day Edit Video from Louie John Santos on Vimeo.
Sharing EC and Darl Cabalan Save The Date Video from Louie John Santos on Vimeo.
Sharing Ace and Jackie Bernabe Wedding Same Day Edit Video from Louie John Santos on Vimeo.
Sharing Robert and Carla Reyes Wedding Same Day Edit Video from Louie John Santos on Vimeo.
Sharing Kyhzel Mendez Debut Same Day Edit Video from Louie John Santos on Vimeo.
Sharing Nikko and Luo Barrios Save The Date Videomp4 from Louie John Santos on Vimeo.
Sharing Mon and Venus Zuniga Wedding Same Day Edit Photo from Louie John Santos on Vimeo.
Sharing Maddie Medina Debut SDE Photo from Louie John Santos on Vimeo.
Sharing COCO UNITY RUN 2020 from Louie John Santos on Vimeo.
Sharing Jopet and Marj Manucdoc Wedding Same Day Edit Video from Louie John Santos on Vimeo.